Monday, February 27, 2012

Your Bullet Resistant Vests Must Have This Important Features

Why you should get your own bullet resistant vests?

Bullet Resistant Vests are considered as an investment. Why, not only because it requires a substantial amount of money but because it is your life-saving piece of equipment. Hence, the following quality features must be present in your armor. You cannot compromise safety over savings.

However, the plethora of manufacturers and suppliers sprouting anywhere, we cannot be too careful in making a choice. We have to be conscientious and knowledgeable on what to look for, the components that we need to find out, the certification, the make and many more. In this article, I will show you the important features that you must take heed to get the most out of your resistant vest.

Who wears bullet resistant vests?

Militaries, men in uniform, armies, police officers, law enforcement officials and the like are the people who should prioritize considering wearing this type of protective gear. Actually, in some parts of the world, this gear is a requirement in their line of job. Sad to say, there are some part of the world that neglect to put priority in bullet resistant armor.

What are the important features you should take heed with your bullet resistant vests?

This may entail significant amount of cash out of your pocket but your safety is 101% assured. I don’t think you value money more than your life. Nonetheless, the good news is, investing on this type of equipment these days is no longer a burden. A lot of manufacturers are selling these products at affordable costs. Technology has also shared in the cost cutting with regard to the manufacturing of body armor.
Here’s what you should conscientiously pay attention to when obtaining your resistance vests:

Good Ballistic Performance 

When you say good ballistic performance, it means that the effectiveness and the ability of the equipment to provide protection, is at its utmost potential. Who would have thought that the quality of bullet proof vest could still vary from one manufacturer to another? I myself thought that when you say bullet proof then you are already protected. It’s not. You have to make sure that the vest you are planning to get uses quality materials such as Dyneema, Kevlar, Spectra Shield or Twaron. So far these are the materials that offer excellent ballistic performance.

Comfortable Ballistic Carrier

Take time to find out also about the ballistic carrier. The carrier where you will put the armor plates must be worn with utmost comfort. The materials used must also contain features like 100% absorption quality. This is vital so that perspiration and sweat may easily be absorbed to keep you dry at all times. It would be very disturbing to have this vests on when wet. Hence, the absorption characteristic must be very efficient.

Protection Level

The protection level must be determined prior to purchase. Your requirement is greatly dependent on the type of threat or risk you are apt to encounter. The National Institute of Justice has 6 levels of protection together with its corresponding types of ammunition resistance capability. Make sure to figure out what you need and get only what you require and not less than that to ensure utmost protection and safety. Otherwise, your resistance vests prove to be futile.


Resistancevests used to be cumbersome, but with the advancement of technology, heftiness of such gear has been resolved. Today you can find lightweight vests made from materials that are less hefty. Hence, you can now move with ease and wear it all day long without the back ache and stiffness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bullet Resistant Vests - 5 Tips on How to Get Optimum Protection from It

What are the important components to consider when buying bullet resistant vests to enjoy optimum protection?

When we go shopping for our clothes, what do we do? Normally, we scrutinized every section of it, the seams, the color, and the fit among many other things that we want to make sure pertaining to perfection especially so if the dress is quite expensive, right? This is so because we want to get the best out of it.
Same goes when buying bullet resistant vests. Protective gear such as this engulfs huge amount of spending and you don’t want to waste your hard earned cash on something useless. It is said that resistant armor is supposed to give protection to the wearer against ballistic impact, hence, the importance of ensuring correct choice.
How to determine quality and functionality of bullet resistant vests?

The following are some basic tips on how to get good ballistic protection from your bullet resistant vests. When you are buying military body armor, be sure to remember the following.

1. Assessing the kind of threat you are apt to face.

Don’t just go barging and ordering your armor. The first thing that you must know is the kind of threat or risk possible in your line of job. If you are a law enforcer or a military, higher level of protection is needed as oppose to civilians.

Determining what it is for, how it is used, and where it will be used are vital factors that will help you make a good decision. Well, the first consideration when it comes to possible gun assault is the type of weapon you are carrying. You must have that level of protection or even more.

2. The material used plays an important role on quality. Of course, quality type of materials offers better ballistic protection performance; that I can assure you of. And it is definitely much more expensive than ordinary ones. How to know of the kind of material used? You can easily find it on the label usually placed in the bullet resistant vests.

3. To ensure optimum protection, make sure that it is the right fit. The right fit means, the vest will not be a discomfort, a distraction, or bulky. Proper fit means ease of mobility, comfort, and conforms to your body built. With these features intact, you can definitely focus on what you are doing.

4. Getting the best ballistic performance from your vests entails proper maintenance and care. On the label, you will see manufacturer’s instructions on how to properly care for your bullet resistant vests. Simply follow what is written there and you will surely keep its effectiveness, quality and life span longer.

5. To ascertain that you are getting authentic bullet resistant clothing, always ask for the NIJ certification and the name of the testing laboratory. The certification will vouch for the veracity of what your supplier is telling you and affirms that this is the right piece.

Buying the correct piece is your bulwark against possible danger and risk. Simply follow the 5 aforementioned tips and you will surely enjoy total satisfaction in your investment.